As with writing a dairy, so writing a blog - the only time you have time to write anything is when there is not much else going on. So far this summer I have been looking at pottery and tile in Turkey for the Amuq survey, cataloguing the tlie at Sagalossos (my preliminary web report can be found here), also in turkey and cataloging archaic tiles from Crustumerium, Italy. Back in the UK I have just been advising on sampling strategy for an industrial site in the North West, and have finally had time to deliver my thesis to Archaeopress, where it will be published as part of the new ROMAN AND LATE ANTIQUE MEDITERRANEAN POTTERY series, so blogging has been a bit light of late. I am working on a 2 day intensive course on CBM which I will be giving in Beirut next week but after that I hope to write up in slightly more detail what I have done in my summer
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Phil MillsI am a finds specialist, working on Roman and Medeival CBM as well as Roman pottery. I a based in Britain but work all over the area of the ancient classical world, including, to date, Lebanon, Syria,Bulgaria Tunisia and Italy Categories
February 2017