Function Function definitions are based on those in Evans 1993, with some adaptions for the pottery assemblages I work with in Italy and Syria.Evans, J. (1993) Pottery function and finewares in the Roman north. In Journal of Roman pottery studies 6, 95-118.
A - Transport amphorae - Large two - handles container with rounded or pointed base, which can often be used a a handle; Table amphora - usually smaller vessel with two handles and a flat base used for transport (often of wine) F - Flagon - Vessels with a constricted neck, generally with height greater than twice diameter. LAG - Lagena - A flat based vessel with a slightly pinched neck CJ - Constricted necked jar A jar with a pinched neck - similar to flagons and used to contain liquids SJ - Storage jar - A thick ( greater than 100mm) walled vessel up to c. 300mm tall P - Pthoi/ Dolia - A very large storage jar (height greater than 1m) J - Jar Vessels with a height of more than 2/3 of their rim diameter and less than twice their diameter CP - Cooking Pot A jar form usually with handles and lid seating used for cooking WMJ - Wide mouth jar. A jar with a mouth wider than its waist diameter. BK - Beaker - Vessels with a height greater than their diameter, of a suitable size and shape for drinking. CU - Cup - vessels with a height less than their diameter, of a suitable size and shape for drinking TA - Tankard - Cups with a handle M - Mortaria A large bowl with a gritted interior BA - Basin A large thick bowl, with thickness greater than 10mm and diameter greater than 300mm B - Bowl Vessels with a height more than1/4 and less than 2/3 of their diameter CA - Casserole - A Bowl used for cooking usually carinated and with lid sating/ used with a lid. D - Dish or platter Vessels with a height of less than1/4 of their diameter FP - Frying pan - A handled dish used for direct heating cooking L - Lid - Shallow vessels similar to dishes, but with a handle on exterior in the centre of the base O - Other, rare, vessels types that don't belong in the above categories. e.g. cheese presses, Face pots. |