Ware ClassThis is a grouping hierarchy defined in broadly technological and functional terms. It is largely based on the work done by Paul Booth, implemented in the Warwickshire Museum and Oxford Archaeology systems. I have adapted it for use in Italy and Syria.
Summary Class Definition
A Amphora B Black Burnished wares (UK); red burnished ware (Italy) C Calcerous gritted wares E Transition wares F Colour Coat and other fine wares G Gritty waes, usually hand made I Lamps L Bricks M Mortari / Large Basins N Dolia/ Pithoi O Oxidised wares P Pre-Roman; Iron Age Tradition hand made reduced wares (UK) Q White slip wares R Reduced greywares S Sigillata and red slips T Roof Tile W White wares; plain wares X Figurines Z Post Roman wares |