SO for our purposes we need specialist assemblage of an assemblage. This will provide basic quantified information about the finds in order to address its potential for answering the research questions which the original project design was asking, but also to add any additional research inputs that a specific assemblage may generate.
For my ceramic data (when the group is large enough) I will record sherd family's to No, Wt, rim count / corner count by ware type (see Evans and Mills 2013) and will be looking at: dating, taphonomy, ware proportions and function breakdown and comment on the regional and national context of the assemblage. I will also refer to regional national and find specific research frameworks (and my own research interests) as appropriate
Some assemblages we would not recommend any worthwhile further work. Many will have some potential for further work, which we would outline and cost as appropriate, with justifications made by reference to existing regioanal and other research frameworks . and so we would recommend further work and provide a detailed costed program of works ( and identify other specialists as needed). This is not necessarily the final word, and conversations about what can be carried out and what needs to be carried out.
Hopefully on the strength of that the analysis/ publication report will be commissioned.